AMERICAN IDOL hits its absolute low point

So last night on AMERICAN IDOL, 16 year-old Symone Black finishes her song during Hollywood Week, is talking to the judges, faints, crumples, and falls off a five-foot stage.

As people yell medic and everyone rushes to help her and see if she's even conscious the closing credits roll and Ryan says, "Tomorrow night, see what happens to Symone as the pressure builds."

A cliff-hanger?!  They've turned someone's passing out and falling off the stage a fucking CLIFF HANGER?!

And remember Hollywood Week is all pre-taped.  They could have handled that situation any way they wanted, including not show it.   But this is how the producers chose to deal to with a delicate incident -- by using it to grab ratings.  Despicable.  Just despicable. 

Happy to say that Symone appears to be okay.  I learned this by reading follow-up accounts on the internet.  I will never watch AMERICAN IDOL again. 

My regular post for the day is right below.  But I just had to rant on this.