Registration is NOW OPEN for the Sitcom Room

If you would like to participate in my two-day writing seminar, THE SITCOM ROOM, registration is now open to the public.  There's a maximum of twenty participants.  Here's where you go for info and to sign up.   

As you know, we had encouraged people who are interested in attending the first SITCOM ROOM in two years to sign up for our Early Alert List, which would give them the chance to register before the rest of the world.

We opened Early Registration Saturday morning at 10:00. Katie Kosinski of
Chicago became the first 2011 registrant -- at 10:00 Saturday morning. Which
means she must've ignored my fascinating video and all the fine print on the
registration page and gone right to the registration form.

After one hour, we were 50% sold out.

As I write this, we have only 3 spaces left.

We have people coming from Canada, Australia (2), England, and even Calabasas!  Again, here's where you go.

And now back to today's post, which is right below.