Bon voyage, dear readers

Heading off tonight to Australia. I feel very safe seeing that Olivia Newton-John is flying the plane.  My wife and I will be spending the weekend in Sydney. Then boarding a cruise ship for a two week jaunt to Melbourne, Tasmania, and various stops in New Zealand. I’m guessing harbor towns. Fortunately, the ship is not going anywhere near Giglio so we should be relatively okay. Still – movies I’m avoiding on the flight over are THE TITANIC, THE POSIEDAN ADVENTURE, the remake of THE POSEIDEN ADVENTURE (I’d avoid that one anyway), and SHIP OF FOOLS. But I will be watching NIGHT AT THE OPERA, THE LADY EVE, and season two of THE LOVE BOAT.

Blog posts will continue as always. I can be opinionated from anywhere. And a travelogue will follow when I return home. And (assuming there’s wifi) I will be tweeting my observations and whereabouts along the way. So if you don’t already, I invite you to follow me on Twitter. Just go here or click on the Twitter icon along the right hand side.  I promise to only tweet fun stuff.  Who gives a shit what I have for breakfast? 

If you’re also on this cruise, I’ll be speaking on television and baseball, so if the origami classes fill-up stop by.

Thanks again to everybody for your suggestions. Without you I never would have known about these great bars, eateries, and the sex & death museum.

Behave yourselves while I’m gone. Talk to you from Oz.