FCC puts a stop to loud commercials (yeah, right)

The FCC earlier this week passed a law requiring broadcasters and Pay TV distributors to air commercials at the same volume as regular programming.  No longer can they jack up the volume during commercials.  It will take a year for this law to be fully implemented (why, I don't know.  How long does it take to turn a knob down?)

How fucking stupid are commercial makers?   Do they think we don't know that their spots come on and almost blow us out of the room?   What happens is this:  we dive for the remote.    And when we already have the remote in our hand we then fast forward through the commercial -- a commercial we might have sat through had it not been so loud and piercing.

Advertisers have to make the commercials MORE appealing to us, not less.  Especially now when it is so easy to bypass them.

Of course, here's the upshot:  there will be no way to actually monitor whether commercials are aired at a consistent level.   But distributors are off the hook if they can certify that they're complying with the rules.   So of course the law is a joke.

Hand me the remote.