This year in my blog...

Since every magazine, radio station, and blog seem to do their year-end retrospective this week,  here's mine:

Crazy Charlie Sheen made news early in the year.  This was my take.  It sure provoked a lot of comments. 

My book came out in March.  What?  You haven't ordered yours yet?  For only $2.99?  It's not too late.

One of my true passions is reviewing cheese-rich reality shows.  PREGNANT IN HEELS caught my attention in April.  

May was the month where I had my big feud with Roseanne.  I was called an "asshat" and "balless little bitch" among others.  Here's my response. 

I broadcast for the Seattle Mariners last summer and filed travelogues along the way.  Here's one.

I traditionally review major award shows.  This was my take on the Emmys.

As a public service I explained the secrets of how to create a hit procedural. 

In October I uncovered Tweets from Gettysburg

Stories from my checkered radio days seem to be a favorite.  Here's one from my days at W-Drek.

One feature I occasionally do is "Comedy 101" where I show an episode of something I co-wrote and then break it down scene by scene.  This is an example. 

From time to time I have guest bloggers.  This year I was fortunate enough to have a former U.S. president step in for me one day. 

The big highlight for me of course was TIME magazine naming this one of the top 25 blogs of the year.  I'm still floored.  But thanks to them and you for your patronage.  On to 2012.  Let's see what celebrity calls me an "asshat" next year.